The best of collection of this fun and humorous psychobilly act that didn't take itself too seriously. Currently released another album this year (The Dead Don't Get Older) and are touring once again.
2. Uncle Willy
3. Psycho Disease
4. Wind Up Dead
5. Penetration
6. If Only Mother
7. Heartbreak Hotel
8. Coffin Nails
9. Blubbery Love
10. She's a Moose
11. Carling Black Label
12. Skeleton Swamp
13. Inspector Clueso
14. Been Around the World
15. Ooh Ahh
16. No Way
17. When I'm Drunk
18. Girl Next Door
19. Neurotic Dave
20. Hard as Nails
21. STD
22. Forbidden Love
23. Freaks Come Out at Night
24. Scared of the Dark
25. Woke Up This Morning